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Edwin S. Richards Elementary
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Eagle News

Happy Summer, ESR Families!

I would like to begin the final Eagle News update for the school year by thanking you again for your collaboration and support. ESR is a vibrant, energetic school community with amazing opportunities for students, and we could not accomplish what we do without you! So, on behalf of all staff here at ESR, many thanks for your dedication, care, encouragement, and support. You are amazing!

The final House Team winner for the year is Beethoven House, with 468 points! They win the trophy, which will be displayed in the front lobby in September! Congratulations, Beethoven House!

Our theme for next year is 'Our Colourful Curriculum'! We are excited to let you know that we will be planning and presenting a celebration of learning filled with colour, movement, and visual arts. Stay tuned in September for more info!

We are saying good-bye to two teachers this year, who will be continuing to work in Mission but in other schools.  Congratulations to Mr. Dalton, who will be working as teacher-librarian at Dewdney Elementary, and to Mrs. Mardis who has taken a position at Ecole Christine Morrison. We wish them well in their new positions.

Finally, thank you again for a stellar year; and on behalf of all staff here, we wish you a summer filled with sunshine, warm weather, and relaxation. Be safe, have fun, and we'll see you in September!

​If you missed the SOGI Mythbusters presentation at the Clarke Theatre, you can access it here:SOGI Myth Busters (1).pdf
​Please remember that there is NO PARKING along any yellow line in our parking lot area. You will be asked to drive through and do a loop if your child is not standing at the yellow line.  We have also had several telephone calls about drivers stopping on the crosswalk on Cade Barr. R​emember that it is difficult to see little ones, so please observe the speed zone and refrain from parking on the crosswalk. Thank you.

 As you are aware, we also have students in our school with serious allergies to peanuts and all tree nuts. Exposure to nuts can be a matter of life or death for some students, so we ask that families who enjoy those foods to please have them before or after school. If students eat them before school, please have them wash their hands before leaving home. If your child is in a classroom where a student is anaphylactic to something other than nuts, you will be provided with information on the allergen and what to avoid sending to school in snacks and lunches or other products. Thank you so much for helping us keep our students safe! 

Absences - When your child is going to be absent, please notify the office either by telephone or email. β€‹

Current House Team Points:​

Shakespeare (red)             Beethoven (Blue)                     Pickford (yellow)                  Odjig (green)                  

411                                                 468                                              425                                        425                      

Next Week and FYI's


3 Welcome back! 8:30 - 11:00


President - Marie Aline Thomas

Vice-President - Stephanie Scott

Secretary - Crystal Ensing

Treasurer - Celine Dauphney

DPAC Representative - Alex Strozek

Members at Large - Renay Holz, Katie Knapman, Carrie Biero & Marie Walker 

In addition to emails and the Eagle News for parents, you can also subscribe to our school calendar. Important dates can be found on the district and school websites, the Eagle News, and the parent Facebook Page. You can also see the district calendar in your child's planner. 

Facebook - For those families who are new and who have access to Facebook, there is a page for ESR parents that you can join. The group posts relevant information and will update with the Eagle News as well as school district messages and other notices. You can request to join the group here:
Please remember that there is a $20.00 arts programming fee for each student which will be due by October 1st. This fee helps sustain our integrated arts program by supporting our artists-in-residence, arts training for teachers, and other aspects of our program. The fee will be payable through cash online. 

Staying Safe - β€‹Please, please, do not send your child to school sick. If they are fevered, headachy, or are having stomach pains, they should stay home. If your little ones have vomited the night before, they must stay home the next day. β€‹β€‹

​Important note! It is important to remember that students who are sick need to stay home. Stuffy nose, combined with fever and green nasal discharge (yuck!) are signs of infection and can spread at school. We have several students in our building who are immune-compromised who can become seriously ill when exposed to illness. If you child throws up at home, please keep them at home for an additional 24 hours until they are feeling well. β€‹

* Remember that you can subscribe to our school calendar which can help keep you up to date on events and activities. You can find the calendar on the main page of our school website. 


From the Office


Edwin S. Richards Arts Based Curriculum School


βœ“ Children born in 2019 are eligible for Kindergarten in 2024-2025.

βœ“ Proof of age is required at time of registration: I.E. Birth Certificate, Passport, Permanent Residence Card, BC Services Card (Photo Version Only), Aboriginal Status Card, Certificate of Citizenship or Immigration Canada document. Please Note: The BC Care Card is not acceptable proof of age.

βœ“ Proof of Residency in BC:

β€’  Parent's Care Card (not student's) / Parent's BC Services Card (not student's) /

    Driver's License / Municipal Tax Bill / Rental Agreement or Utility Bill

Early Pickup
If you are coming to the school before usual dismissal, please notify your child's teacher as well as the office in advance. Miss Amy will page your son/daughter and have them waiting inside the school at the front doors. Please pull up to the front of the school and we will send your child out to meet you.
School Cash Online
We are not accepting cash/cheques in the office. If you need help signing on to the School Cash online system, please stop by the Office. 


If your son/daughter will be away, please call and let Miss Amy know 604-826-2834 or email her at

Afternoon Pickup

Please arrange play dates and pickup location with your child before school. End of day is a very busy time in the office - it may not be possible to get pickup messages to all students, so please make sure your child knows in advance where to meet you at the end of the day.

Volunteer Photo.jpg

Volunteer Forms (1 Page) need to be completed every year & returned to the Office (you can fill them out & print them out from ESR's website or you can get a copy from the Office to fill out & return).

Criminal Record Checks are now done online on the ESR Website:

  • Please go to the Parents (Top Tab)
  • Volunteer Forms (Side Tab)
  • Got to the bottom and click the CRC Link
  • Write down the Access Code before you click the actual CRC Form Link to complete your Criminal Record Check (CRC remain effective for 5 years and there is no cost associated with the check).

PAC News

We are very grateful for our dedicated PAC here at ESR for all the hard work they do to benefit students. There are many ways you can become involved. If you are able to assist the PAC in any way - hot lunch, fundraising, etc., please contact them via email at   If you have questions regarding any fundraisers, events, etc. that are sponsored by PAC please email them directly for a quicker response.

Thank you to those parents helping with hot lunch! We couldn't have hot lunches without volunteers, and we appreciate everyone who comes to help. 

You can also check out the  latest PAC news and events at  

General Information
Homestay Families Wanted 

Mission Public Schools International Program is accepting applications for nurturing homestay families who want to provide a caring home for our elementary age students. Please clink the link below to apply online or you can email kim.hunter@mpsd.caif you have any questions.